May 19, 2009

Jars of Clay Live with a Derek Webb update

Posted in Christian Music tagged , , , , , , , , at 11:42 am by Bryant

Before I get into the Jars of Clay concert last night, I’ll give you a little update on Derek Webb’s Stockholm Syndrome project yet to be released due to a dispute with his record label.  He has sent out two messages to his fans sort of explaining the situation with the label.  I say “sort of” because he essentially says he can’t really talk about it.  He did say that the dispute is over one particular song that Derek feels passionate about that has a lot to do with race and sexuality.  That’s scarey because I do not know what Derek is going to say in the song.  He has since then reported that he will not be using his twitter account for updates and has created a new twitter account named “ssyndrome”.  He seems to be dishing out clues about something to somebody, but I haven’t figured out what is going on.  As far as I know the label trouble is real; however, I think he has turned this into a marketing opportunity to get people excited about the album’s release.  It seems to be working.  This morning when I started following ssyndrome, I was one of like 600.  Now there are over 3000.  To read the messages that he sent out to fans, go to  From what I heard him say live about the album, it is almost purely digital with the possiblity of a little bit of guitar.  He said he was bored and wanted out from what is the typical.  I bet Mute Math could identify.  On to the Jars of Clay Concert… Read the rest of this entry »